Saturday, September 28, 2013

Depression in men: The 5 major signs and symptoms of depression in men and why they are different from depression in women

Depression in men is not the same as depression in women. Learning to recognize the five major signs and symptoms of depression in men might save a man’s or someone else’s life.

In a recent research study about depression in men, researchers at the University of Michigan discovered that there are five major “male-type” depression signs and symptoms in men.

Those five signs and symptoms of depression in men include the following:

  1. Anger attacks
  2. Aggression
  3. Irritability
  4. Substance abuse
  5. Risk-taking behaviors

Unlike women, whose depression is often characterized by withdrawal from friends, sleep problems, physical as well as emotional pain, and “complaintiveness,” men tend to externalize their depression rather than internalize it.

Rather than dealing with a depression on an emotional level, men tend to do what they prefer to do – act. All of the above symptoms of depression in men focus on action.  

Unfortunately, according to the recent research study, many doctors and even mental health care providers still miss the symptoms of depression in men and they are often misdiagnosed as a behavioral issue rather than an emotional issue.

Like in women, depression in men can often be triggered by external circumstances such as a loss or other major life changes. To read more about the symptoms of depression for both men and women and to discover the meaning and purpose of a depression, please visit our webpage on emotions and depression.  
Men who do display any of the above five major signs and symptoms of depression might benefit from an understanding family member or friend who can see the emotional challenge beneath what appears to be a behavioral challenge.

Compassion and understanding might be the first step necessary to help a man who is experiencing a depression.

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