CNN's Chris Lawrence takes you step by step through the raid
at a compound that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden as published on May 2,
News you can use. JTNews19 brings you news that help you save money, improve your health, provide new insights, or simply make life more enjoyable.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tylenol warnings appear on new Tylenol caps: Tylenol warnings prompted by fatal liver, skin reactions as reported in videos - How much is too much?
The FDA said two years ago that 325mg of acetaminophen per pill is enough. Extra Strength Tylenol has 500mg. The FDA is not reinforcing its own rule.
Too much acetaminophen causes fatal liver failure and fatal skin reactions.
The problem is that acetaminophen is contained in 600 different prescription and non-prescription drugs and it is not always called acetaminophen but sometimes in a shorter version such as “APAP,” or “acetam.”
Click on our topics to read more:
Tylenol warnings,
Tylenol warnings videos
Obama justifies military strike on Syria; Obama’s answer to “why are we getting involved?” during his “PBS Newshour interview”
Obama is justifying a military strike on Syria; Obama’s answer to “why are we getting involved?” during his “PBS Newshour interview” on August 28, 2013.
Starting around minute 12: "If we are saying in a clear and decisive but very limited way, we send a shot across the bow saying, 'Stop doing this,' this can have a positive impact on our national security over the long term."
Minute-by-minute live-stream updates by The Wall Street Journal live-stream website.
Click on our topics to read more:
military strike on Syria,
Obama PBS interview on Syria,
Lamar Odom is not missing. He is back home with Khloe: What will he choose? Khloe Kardashian or cocaine?
On midnight, August 29, TMZ reports that Lamar Odom is back
home with his wife Khloe, but whether or not he is willing to go to rehab is
another question. Khloe’s sisters gave Lamar an ultimatum on August 21. “Get
help or get out,” reports US Weekly but Khloe wants to save her marriage.
Click on our topics to read more:
Khloe Kardashian,
Lamar Odom,
Lamar Odom drugs,
lamar Odom missing
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Happy Birthday! Shania Twain: Shania Twain celebrates her birthday today, announces new plans for her music
Shania Twain, who was born as Eilleen Regina Edwards on
August 28, 1965, is celebrating her birthday today. Happy Birthday! In response
to the thousands of birthday wishes, Shania Twain wrote on her Facebook page “Thanks for the
birthday wishes. Love to you from my special day to yours!”
Click on our topics to read more:
Shania Twain,
Shania Twain birthday
Wolf attack: Deformed wolf ‘chomped the head’ of sleeping 16-year-old Noah Graham in Minnesota: ‘He had to physically pry the jaws of the wolf open’ (Video report)
The wolf attack on Saturday around 4 a.m. by a
solitary and deformed wolf caused 16-year-old Noah Graham to end up with 17
staples in his head to close up a 4-inch laceration. Noah Graham was also
treated for puncture wounds on the right and left sides of his face and is
receiving a regimen of rabies shots.
Around 4 a.m. on Saturday, 16-year-old Noah Graham from Solway in Minnesota was sleeping outside his tent near the shore at the West Winnie
Campground on Lake Winnibigoshish in north central Minnesota when the wolf attack occurred. Noah's father, Scott Graham, says that the attack was quiet and sudden.
"The wolf just came up behind Noah, he didn't hear anything, and it just grabbed him by the back of the head and wouldn't let go. He had to physically pry the jaws of the wolf get it off of him. And once he got it off of him and he was up, the wolf stood there growling at him. And he had to shout at it and kick at it to get it to go away.”
An examination of the wolf
during a necropsy at the University of Minnesota showed that “the wolf's bottom
and top jaws did not align properly and it was missing at least one canine
tooth.” Officials believe that the wolf’s deformity might have contributed to
him being solitary and making such an unusual wolf attack since it was the
first official attack by a wolf recorded in Minnesota.
Click on our topics to read more:
Noah Graham,
Wolf attack
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Twerking Miley Cyrus shocks at 2013 Video Music Awards, but what is twerking? Watch the full 6-minute Miley Cyrus twerking video and learn
Twerking has been around for the past 20 years and is a
sexually suggestive dance move that includes shaking the hips in an up-and-down
bouncing motion (rather than side to side).
Adding the right kind of clothing (or lack thereof), as in the case of
twerking Miley Cyrus, one is in fact reminded of the strip clubs that
popularized twerking after the twerking move became popular in 1993, when DJ
Jubilee recorded the dance tune "Do The Jubilee All" in which he
chanted, "Twerk baby, twerk baby, twerk, twerk, twerk."
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Bob Filner resigns but criminal investigation continues (Video of Bob Filner's resignation speech)
On Friday, San Diego's Mayor Bob Filner resigned after the San Diego City Council approved a settlement agreement with Mayor Bob Filner in a 7-0 vote following a 90-minute closed-door meeting.
“As part of that deal, the city will provide a joint legal defense with the mayor of claims against him by city employees, volunteers or contractors, but the city reserves the right to seek reimbursement for any damages it suffers. Filner also will be permitted to hire his own lawyer, with the city capping expenses for outside counsel at $98,000, according to the city attorney.”
Click on our topics to read more:
Bob Filner,
Bob Filner resigns,
Bob Filner's resignation speech
Friday, August 23, 2013
Over 1,300 Syrians die in chemical attack: Syrian government denies attack, so why are U.N. chemical weapons inspectors denied access to investigate?
Experts have long believed that Syria has large undeclared
stockpiles of mustard gas and sarin nerve agent. On Wednesday, shocking photos were
released showing the aftermath of a deadly chemical weapons use in Ain Tarma, a
Damascus suburb where 1,300 innocent Syrians were gassed in their beds. Many of
them are children.
“The attackers used rockets to release fatal fumes over the
suburb in the early hours of yesterday morning as people slept in their homes,” reports a Blog
from Nigeria which includes several graphic pictures of the dead.
Click on our topics to read more:
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian chemical attack
Third gender option in Germany: New law gives choice to be male, female, or neither (Video)
The third gender option law that will begin in Germany on
November 1, 2013, is a revolutionary law since it gives parents the right not
to pin down the sex of their child as male or female on the baby’s birth
certificate but to choose “undetermined.”
The third gender option is crucial for children who are born
as intersex children meaning that their sex cannot be definitely determined at
Assigning the wrong sex to a baby has lifelong consequences
as the story of Scottish-Australian Norrie May-Welb shows.
Norrie May-Welb was designated to be “male” on her/his birth
certificate even though it was not clear to doctors whether the baby was a girl
or a boy.
Click on our topics to read more:
Intersex Germany,
Norrie May-Welby,
Third gender option
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Prince George's first two official photos with Kate Middleton, Prince William, dogs Tilly and Lupo, break with tradition: Photos taken by Kate's father, Michael Middleton, in the family's backyard
Instead of traditional professional photographers, Kate
Middleton and Prince William have chosen to have Prince George’s first official
pictures taken by Kate’s father in the family’s backyard.
The pictures, which
were released on Tuesday by royal officials, show baby George Alexander Louis
(born July 22, Kate Middleton, and Prince William along with their two dogs; Tilly,
a retriever, seen next to Kate Middleton) and Lupo, a
cocker spaniel, next to Prince William.
Bradley Manning, 25, likely to spend 35 years at Leavenworth prison: Bradley Manning’s letter to Obama requesting pardon (Complete Text and Video of letter)
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning was sentenced on Wednesday by a
military judge to 35 years in prison after having been convicted of espionage
for leaking classified U.S. military and diplomatic materials to the anti-secrecy
group WikiLeaks in 2010.
Bradley Manning, who is now 25, will likely be moved to the
Army’s central prison in Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Bradley Manning’s lawyers are
planning to file appeals against his conviction and are petitioning his
release, a highly unlikely situation.
Bradley Manning's legal team is also asking the White House
to pardon their client and Bradley Manning himself wrote a letter to President
Obama to ask for pardon.
Below is the text of Bradley Manning’s letter to President
Obama requesting pardon as read by defense attorney David Coombs following Bradley
Manning’s sentencing on Wednesday:
Click on our topics to read more:
Bradley Manning,
Bradley Manning’s letter to president requesting pardon,
Leavenworth prison
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Teen’s confession in shooting of 22-year-old Australian Chris Lane by 15, 16, and 17-year-old: ‘There's our target. We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody’
For the murder of 22-year-old Australian Chris Lane, 15-year-old
James Francis Edwards Jr. and 16-year-old Chancey Allen Luna are being charged
with first-degree murder and will be tried as adults while 17-year-old Michael
Dewayne Jones, who reportedly drove the getaway car, is being charged with
using a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and with accessory to first-degree
murder after the fact. Jones will also be tried as an adult in the Oklahoma
“Luna and Edwards were held without bail, while Jones' was
set at $1 million.”
In his confession, the 17-year-old teen provided details
about the Oklahoma shooting of Chris Lane stating that he and his two friends
shot Chris Lane for “the fun of it,” reported The
Guardian on Aug. 20, 2013.
Click on our topics to read more:
Chris Lane,
Chris Lane confession,
Oklahoma shooting
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Glenn Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, detained for 9 hours in the UK: 'It's a total abuse of power' (Video, interview with David Miranda and Glenn Greenwald in Brazil)
David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, says he was questioned about his entire life after being detained for nine hours under anti-terror laws at London's Heathrow airport. Greenwald, who met David Miranda at Rio de Janeiro's international airport, said as a journalist he would not be silenced by this police action against his partner and vowed to publish many more spying documents. Brazil's foreign minister says the detention was "unjustified."
Click on our topics to read more:
David Miranda,
Edward Snowden,
Glenn Greenwald,
Autistic boy's family receives hate letter: ‘Euthanize him and donate the non-retarded body parts' (Video and Complete letter)
The autistic boy hate letter that was sent to autistic 13-year-old
Max Begley’s grandmother is a shock because it is filled with ignorance and
intolerance. The typed, one-page autistic boy
hate letter was received by Max Begley’s grandmother, Brenda Millson, in Newscastle,
Canada, on Friday. Brenda Millson along with Max’s parents, Karla and Jim
Begley, shared the letter with CityNews
Click on our topics to read more:
autistic boy hate letter complete text,
autistic hate letter transcript
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Area 51: CIA confirms secretive site before Edward Snowden does? But what about aliens? (Video)
It seems a bit odd that at the same time that Edward Snowden
is revealing government secrets, the CIA is actually joining Edward Snowden and is also revealing a secret – Area 51 does exist.
Click on our topics to read more:
Area 51,
Edward Snowden,
Strange News
Monday, August 12, 2013
Idaho kidnapping case ends when Hannah Anderson meets horseback riders: ‘It looks like we’re all in trouble now’ (Video)
The Idaho kidnapping case of Hannah Anderson came to an end
after four horseback riders coincidentally met James DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson who said, “It
looks like we’re all in trouble now.”
Click on our topics to read more:
Hannah Anderson,
Hannah Anderson found,
Hannah Anderson rescued,
Idaho kidnapping,
Idaho kidnapping case,
James DiMaggio,
San Diego
Saturday, August 10, 2013
MTV 'Real World: San Francisco' star turned pastry chef Sean Sasser dies at age 44 of mesothelioma
MTV "Real World: San Francisco" star Sean Sasser
died at age 44 of mesothelioma on Wednesday. Sean Sasser had been HIV positive
for 25 years and his death on Wednesday came after he had been diagnosed with
mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer, last month. Sean Sasser died in the
Washington home he shared with Michael Kaplan.
Click on our topics to read more:
Pedro Zamora,
Real World star dies,
Real World: San Francisco,
Sean Sasser
Bob Filner: Locks have been changed at mayor’s office, a ‘You’re NOT welcome back’ party is awaiting San Diego's (still) Mayor Bob Filner
Bob Filner’s demise is turning out to be more interesting
than most reality shows. After 14 women have now come forward describing that Bob Filner
has sexually harassed them, the call for San Diego’s Mayor Bob Filner to resign
is getting about as loud as it can. Will the 70-year-old San Diego get the
Bob Filner was supposed to enter rehab on Aug. 5, 2013, as
he publicly announced and return to work as San Diego’s mayor on Aug. 19, 2013,
but – surprise, surprise – on Aug. 9, 2013, Bob Filner is already done with his
Allegedly, Bob Filner had entered rehab a week earlier and
already completed his rehab. Just like in his public statement in which he apologized
for his inappropriate behavior towards women, Bob Filner is once again changing
his public statement.
Mayor Bob Filner is taking personal time next week and
according to a statement from the office of attorney, James L. Payne of Los
Angeles, he will continue therapy sessions on an outpatient basis.
City Attorney Jan Goldsmith confirmed that the locks were
changed at the 11th-floor City Hall office of the mayor.
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., sent an open letter Friday
calling for Bob Filner to resign and seek treatment as a private citizen. "But
now I must say this directly to you: Bob, you must resign because you have
betrayed the trust of the women you have victimized, the San Diegans you
represent and the people you have worked with throughout your decades in public
San Diego’s 10 News reported on Friday night that a “You’re
not welcome back” party is planned for next week.
Stay tuned ...
Click on our topics to read more:
Bob Filner,
Bob Filner locks changed,
Bob Filner you're not welcome back party,
San Diego
Friday, August 9, 2013
Husband kills wife, then posts picture of dead wife on Facebook: 31-year-old Derek Medina kills 26-year-old wife Jennifer Alfonso; 10-year-old daughter found unharmed at the scene (Video)
Derek Medina and Jennifer Alfonso first married in January of
2010 after having dated for only a few months. They divorced in February 2012
and then remarried three months later. Friends describe their marriage as “stormy”
and say that Derek kicked Jennifer out frequently but that the two would always
get back together again.
Click on our topics to read more:
Derek Medina,
Jennifer Alfonso
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
15-foot Python that killed 2 boys was kept in apartment, not in pet store (Video)

Click on our topics to read more:
Python kills 2 boys
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
First hamburger made from lab-grown meat: The ‘Frankenburger’ or the world’s first test-tube hamburger is here (Videos)
So how does the first hamburger taste that was grown in a
petri dish in a lab made from stem cells from a cow? “The same as a hamburger
except not as fat,” says one of the taste testers who got a bite of the first
hamburger made in a petri dish in a lab.
At 250,000 Euros to make, which is more than $330,000
dollars, one wonders why on earth would anyone want to grow a hamburger
artificially in a lab rather than just butchering a cow.
Below are two videos that might be of interest. And we’ll
certainly keep an eye on those news.
The man who has paid for the production of the world's first lab-grown hamburger has been revealed as Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The internet entrepreneur has backed the project to the tune of €250,000 (£215,000), or about $331,000, allowing scientists to grow enough meat in the lab to create a burger -- as a proof of concept -- that was cooked and eaten in London on Monday, August 5, 2013.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Elton John recovers after appendicitis and having his appendix removed: ‘I was a ticking time bomb. I guess I could have died at any time’

Elton John says that he waited too long before calling the doctors. "I was a ticking time bomb. I guess I could have died at any time. I feel so lucky and grateful to be alive.”
Despite his age of 66, Elton John ignored the typical signs
of appendicitis and performed 10 shows “in agony,” as he says.
Besides tenderness and pain, appendicitis can be accompanied
by symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal swelling,
a fever of 99-102 degrees Fahrenheit, painful urination, and severe cramps.
As in Elton John’s case, however, some of those appendicitis
symptoms might not be present or persistent enough to notify the doctor until
it is almost too late.
Elton John is expressing his gratitude to his friends and
fans on his news
"I would like to thank the literally thousands of
people who have sent me get well cards and messages over the past two weeks.
Your well wishes have touched me deeply and will play a big part in my
I cannot wait to see you all and thank you in person when I
resume my concert schedule later this year. In the meantime, please know that I
consider myself a very blessed man to have such caring and considerate fans.
With all my love,
Because of his appendicitis, Elton John had to cancel a
series of summer shows last month but he is scheduled to be performing again on
stage in September.
Click on our topics to read more:
Elton John,
Kate Middleton: Breastfeeding and no nanny – a typical European mother with an atypical occupation shown on her son’s birth certificate, ‘Princess of the United Kingdom’
When Kate Middleton married Prince William in Westminster
Abbey on April 29, 2011, she became the Princess William of Wales so it is no
surprise that Prince William used Kate Middleton’s formal title and her formal occupation when officially registering
his son’s birth certificate on August 2, 2013.
Kate Middleton's name on her son's birth certificate is "Catherine Elizabeth Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge."
Kate Middleton's name on her son's birth certificate is "Catherine Elizabeth Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge."
While his wife Kate Middleton’s occupation is listed as "Princess
of the United Kingdom," Prince William’s own occupation can be seen as "Prince of
the United Kingdom."
And the little guy? His
Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge
According to a British Mirror report,
Prince William took care of registering his son’s July 22, 2013, birth at
Kensington Palace on August 2, 2013, while 31-year-old Kate Middleton stayed
with Prince George Alexander Louis and the proud grandparents, Carole and
Michael Middleton, at their home in Bucklebury, Berkshire.
Click on our topics to read more:
Kate Middleton
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Acetaminophen warning by FDA for prescription and non-prescription drugs like Tylenol, Midol, Sudafed, Benadryl (Video)
An acetaminophen warning was released by the FDA because the pain-killing medication has been linked to three skin diseases, two of them potentially fatal.
Acetaminophen is the most common drug ingredient in America and can be found in more than 600 different over-the-counter and prescription medicines which include Tylenol, Midol, Benadryl, Nyquil, Sudafed, Robitussin, Vicks, and other products which are used as pain relievers, fever reducers, sleep aids as well as cough, cold, and allergy medicines.
Click on our topics to read more:
Friday, August 2, 2013
Michelle Knight’s full court statement to Ariel Castro: How tall is Michelle Knight? (Video and text of Michelle Knight’s statement)
Michelle Knight might be only about 4 feet 7 inches tall
physically, but psychologically she stands taller than Ariel Castro, the abductor
who kept Michelle Knight a prisoner for 11 years along with Amanda Berry and Gina
Last week, Ariel Castro pleaded guilty to 937 counts in
order to avoid a possible death sentence. In exchange, Ariel Castro received
life in prison plus 1,000 year.
During Thursday’s sentencing hearing, only Michelle Knight
was in the courtroom. Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus chose to be heard through
their representatives.
Reading and listening to Michelle Knight’s full statement in
court gives her every reason to stand tall and proud.
Here is the full transcript of Michelle Knight's court statement:
“Good afternoon. My name is Michelle Knight. And I would
like to tell you what this was like for me.
Click on our topics to read more:
Ariel Castro,
How tall is Michelle Knight,
Michelle Knight,
michelle knight transcript of court statement
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Daniel Chong: 25-year-old UCSD student gets $4.1 million for being forgotten in DEA cell for 4 1/2 days (Video)
Daniel Chong, the University of San Diego student who was
forgotten in April of 2012 by the DEA for 4 1/2 days in a windowless 5-by-10-foot
cell, reached a settlement with the U.S. government for $4.1 million according
to Daniel Chong’s attorneys (Julia Yoo and Eugene Iredale) on Tuesday, July 30, 2013.
After his lawyers get their share of the 4.1 million, Daniel
Chong plans to buy a house for his family and as he says in the video, “the
rest of it I’m going to protect from myself. I am going to lock it all away. …
I’m going for the retirement.”
Since his ordeal, Daniel Chong has changed his major at UCSD from engineering to economics. Besides pursuing his career, he plans to take
care of his mother.
Click on our topics to read more:
Daniel Chong,
San Diego
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